Growing in our Faith
Religious education ministry is for Kindergarden through Grade 10.
As a parish community, it is important to provide formation opportunities for children, teens and adults alike. As adults, we recognize we are our children’s first catechists and their role models in faith.
Our Christian Catholic faith is not stagnant; in fact, our faith should constantly be moving us and reawakening our spirits with the grace that flows from the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Our classes are taught by dedicated volunteer catechists who are committed Catholic Christians who are knowledgeable about the teachings of the Church.
Materials which are developmentally appropriate and are in conformity with the Catechism of the Catholic Church are used throughout our program. Our curriculum is structured via the requirements of the Archdiocese of Milwaukee. We also use interactive instructional approaches to involve all children in order to recognize each individual’s unique gifts and growth in the faith and community.
St. Louis Parish