Entries by St. Louis Parish

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Registration Now Open

Religious Education Registration is now open – Grades K-10 Registrations emailed or can be found on the religious ed page here. Classes being September 8. New students are welcome! Please contact Mary Beth Clowney at 262-835-4533 or email dre@stlouisparishwi.com for more information. Mary Beth will also be available after mass on August 24 & 25 […]

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Pastor Update

Dear Friends of NW Racine parishes, It has been a month since we got into the boat together and started sailing. We are so happy that He is with us and He is not sleeping yet. Your prayers and support keep Him up in our boat. Fr. Marco and I would like to thank you […]

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Feast of St. Louis Update – Chicken Dinner

One of the best parts of a ‘Feast’ is the food. So join us on August 25, 1lam-2pm for a chicken dinner catered by Rupenas for our “Feast of St. Louis” The adult dinner will include ½ roasted chicken, roasted parsley potatoes, creamy cole slaw, green beans, roll/butter, and a beverage. The children’s dinner will […]

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Eucharistic Congress – Tune In From Home

THIS JUST IN!  EWTN and Relevant Radio will offer streaming and live broadcast coverage of portions of the National Eucharistic Congress (July 17-21, 2024), including live coverage of the major evening events as well as some other daytime sessions and worship.  Congress speakers include Bishop Robert E. Barron of Winona-Rochester, Minnesota, and founder of Word […]

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Welcome Father Marco

Get to know Fr. Marco, our new Associate Pastor Father Marco Valentini was born in Rome in 1966. His two grandmothers were Italian, but born in the Austro-Hungarian Empire. He lived twelve years abroad in off-limit countries and in Canada. Then he was ordained a Priest for the Diocese of Rome in May 1994. Since […]

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Welcome Father Thomas

Get to know Fr. Thomas, our new Pastor Fr. Thomas also known as Sojan Vathappallil was born in Kerala, south India in September, 1974, into a devout Catholic family.  His parents, Joseph and Anna Vathappallil are both deceased.  Anna went home to the Lord in January of 2015.  Joseph went home to the Lord recently, […]