Pastor Update – Lent 2025
Dear Friends,
Lent is here. This Wednesday, we will mark our foreheads with ashes, proclaiming to the Lord and to the world that we repent of our sins and are ready to do penance for our shortcomings. As the priest or minister places the ashes on our foreheads, we are reminded: “Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return,” or “Repent and believe in the Gospel.” But are we prepared to embrace this call willingly and purposefully?
Before we enter into Lent, we must prepare our hearts for it. Let us take these days to reflect on our lives, especially the past year, and make a plan for this sacred season. In life, we recognize the need for pauses—whether for rest, reflection, renewal, or repair—so that we can perform better. Lent is precisely such a time. It invites us to withdraw from our busy schedules and spend time with the Lord, who will guide us to focus on the areas we need to improve. This season is an opportunity to bridge gaps, heal wounds, and strengthen our relationships with
both God and others.
There is no single path that works for everyone. Each of us must discern what will bring us closer to God. But one thing is certain no one else can do it for us. As we begin this Lenten journey, let us place our trust in the Lord and ask for the grace to emerge as better, more faithful people—ready to celebrate Holy Week and Easter with renewed hearts.
Blessings on your Lenten journey!
Fr. Thomas Vathappallil